HPE 3PAR SAN Storage CLI Commands

Here I want to  tell you most important HPE 3PAR CLI commands  which will help you to do your storage related work.


The createvv command creates volumes that are provisioned from one or more common provisioning groups. Volumes can be fully provisioned from a CPG or can be thinly provisioned. Users can optionally specify a CPG for snapshot space for fully provisioned volumes and thinly provisioned volumes.
Create a 1 GB fully provisioned volume named vv_test whose user space is allocated from CPG cpg1.
cli% createvv cpg1 vv_test 1G
Create a 64 TB TPVV named tpvv1 whose user space is allocated from CPG cpg1, with an allocation warning of 80% and an allocation limit of 90%.
cli% createvv –tpvv –usr_aw 80 -usr_al 90 cpg1 tpvv1 64T
Create three TPVVs: vv1.0vv1.1, and vv1.2 (zero-detect enabled*).
cli% createvv –tpvv -cnt 3 cpg1 vv1 1G
Create a TPVV with the restrict export to one host attribute set using the CPG SSD_cpg1 with a size of 64TB and the name vv4.
cli% createvv –tpvv –pol one_host SSD_cpg1 vv4 64T
Create a TPVV named tpvv1 using the template temp2.
cli% createvv -tpvv -templ temp2 tpvv1

Change attributes

Change the name from test to newtest.
cli% setvv -name newtest test
Set the allocation warning of 85% for a thin or thin deduped volume named vv5.
cli% setvv -usr_aw 85 vv5
Set the WWN for the virtual volume named vv6.
cli% setvv -wwn 60002AC001A32457 vv6


Increase the size of virtual volume vv1 by 2 TB.
cli% growvv vv1 2t


Remove virtual volume vv1.
cli% removevv –f vv1
Remove all virtual volumes that start with test using the –f (force) option.
cli% removevv –f –pat test*


Show all VVs in the system.
cli% showvv
Show VVs with starting with VV*.
cli% showvv VV*
Show all VVs exported to the host Backup_Host.
cli% showvv -host Backup_Host
Show policy information about the VVs.
cli% showvv -pol


Tune the VV and convert the fully provisioned or thin deduped volume hp3 to a thinly provisioned VV using the same user space CPG (or a different one).
cli% tunevv usr_cpg cpg_r6_nl -tpvv hp3
Tune the VV and convert the fully provisioned or thinly deduped volume hp5 to a thinly provisioned VV using the same user space CPG (or a different one). Keep the original fully provisioned VV with the name hp5.orig.
cli% tunevv usr_cpg cpg_r6_nl -keepvv hp5.orig -tpvv hp5
Tune the VV and convert the thinly provisioned or thin deduped volume hp6 to a fully provisioned VV using the same user space CPG (or a different one).
cli% tunevv usr_cpg cpg_r6_nl -full hp6

Create template

Create a RAID 1 VV called vvr1 with -pol option (policy) set to disable invalid (stale) snapshots.
cli% createtemplate vv -ha mag -rw -t r1 -ro -pol no_stale_ss vvr1
NOTE: The RAID type can be changed (-t r1 -rw) when the volume is created, but the policy cannot (-ro -pol).

Create VV set

Create an empty VV set called oradb_1.
cli% createvvset oradb_1
Add a VV called oravol1 to the VV set.
cli% createvvset –add oradb_1 oravol1
Create a VV set called oravvs with a comment, and add 10 sequentially named VVs starting with the VV called oravl.0 through oravl.9.
cli% createvvset -comment “Our Oracle VVs” -cnt 10 oravvs oravl.0

Change attributes

Change the name from test to newtest.
cli% setvv -name newtest test
Set the allocation warning of 85% for a thin or thin deduped volume named vv5.
cli% setvv -usr_aw 85 vv5
Set the WWN for the virtual volume named vv6.
cli% setvv -wwn 60002AC001A32457 vv6


Delete the VV set oradb_1.
cli% removevvset oradb_1
Remove VVs starting with "test" from the oradb_1 VV set.
cli% removevvset oradb_1 test*

Show VV set

Show all VV sets.
cli% showvvset
Show VV sets containing VVs matching the pattern test*.
cli% showvvset –vv test*

Use case for
Use case
VV set
Oracle Database or set of volumes to export to a cluster.
Comprises several volumes that together, serve all the data that is needed by that database or cluster.
Host set
VMware or other clustering solution.
Nodes in a cluster that share the same storage for application failover can be logically grouped together for ease of provisioning.

Managing Hosts using CLI


Create the host named ESX_4 using persona number 11 (ESX) using the host’s two WWNs.
cli% createhost –persona 11 ESX_4 20000025b501ac0c 20000025b501ac0d
Add an additional WWN to the host named ESX_4.
cli% createhost –add ESX_4 20000025b501ad0e
Create the Smart SAN enabled host named ESX_23 using persona number 11 (ESX), and establish the zoning for port 4:1:1.
cli% createhost -persona 11 –port 4:1:1 ESX_23 200000A0B4BC1C68


Edit the host named Windows_A, adding an IP address and a contact.
cli% sethost –ip –contact “Joe Smith” Windows_A


Remove the WWN 1000A0B3CC1C68BE for the host named Windows_X with the TDPZ for port 1:2:1. This does not remove the WWN from the host.
cli% removehost –port 1:2:1 Windows_X 1000A0B3CC1C68BE
Remove the host named Windows_A using the –f (force) option.
cli% removehost –f Windows_A


Create an empty host set called hostset1.
cli% createhostset hostset1
Add a host called host1 to the host set hostset1.
cli% createhostset –add hostset1 host1
Create a host set called orahostset with a comment and containing one host called ora1.
cli% createhostset -comment “My Domain Set” orahostset ora1

Increase the default size of .srdata
The controlsr grow command can be used to increase the size of the .srdata file. The command will accept a growth size, or the –pct option can be used to increase the size using a percentage.
NOTE: This command cannot be used to decrease the default size of .srdata.

Backup and restore .srdata
The .srdata file can have copy space defined in order to make a snapshot or clone of .srdata. The promotesv command could then be used to restore. The database must be stopped before the promotion/restore.
cli% setvv -snp_cpg cpg1 .srdata
cli% createsv -ro srdata_backup .srdata
Now, if the primary .srdata VV became corrupt or had a database problem, the snapshot can be restored.
cli% stopsr -f
cli% promotesv srdata_backup
Task 1089 has been started to promote virtual copy srdata_backup
cli% waittask 1089
Task 1089 done
cli% startsr -f

Cache performance.
Displays cache statistics. This command allows you to see whether I/O flow is evenly distributed across the nodes. statcmp can also be used to see the number of delayed acknowledgements.
Displays the node CPU usage.
Displays iSCSI port performance.
Displays iSCSI session performance.
Displays Physical Disks stats.
Displays Logical Disks stats.
Chunklet stats.
Displays the internal system response to the I/O. By comparing statvlun to statvv, you can determine whether the array is having a performance issue.
Measures the round trip time of an I/O as seen by the system. IOPS, bandwidth, and service times can all be viewed.
statvlun -host
Shows only VLUNs exported to the specified hosts or patterns. Multiple host names or patterns can be repeated using a comma-delimited list.
Displays port statistics for host-facing ports.
statport –disk
Displays port statistics for disk-facing ports.

Dedup can be disabled
By default, dedup is allowed on a system but can be disabled and enabled using the CLI command: cli% setsys DisableDedup {yes|no}
To disable dedup: cli% setsys DisableDedup yes
To enable dedup (default): cli% setsys DisableDedup no

Creating VVs with data reduction

Create a 1G fully provisioned volume named vv_test whose user space is allocated from CPG cpg1.
cli% createvv cpg1 vv_test 1G

Create thin provisioned VV

Create a 64 TB TPVV named tpvv1 whose user space is allocated from CPG cpg1, with an allocation warning of 80% and an allocation limit of 90%.
cli% createvv –tpvv –usr_aw 80 -usr_al 90 cpg1 tpvv1 64T
Create a TPVV with the restrict export to one host attribute set using the CPG SSD_cpg1 with a size of 64TB and the name vv4.
cli% createvv –tpvv –pol one_host SSD_cpg1 vv4 64T
Create a TPVV named tpvv1 using the template temp2.
cli% createvv -tpvv -templ temp2 tpvv1

Create a TPVV with deduplication

Create a 20G dedup-enabled VV (TDVV) named tdvv1 whose user space is allocated from the SSD CPG cpg1, with an allocation warning of 80% and an allocation limit of 90% (no compression).
cli% createvv –tdvv –usr_aw 80 -usr_al 90 cpg1 tdvv1 20G
cli% createvv –dedup –usr_aw 80 -usr_al 90 cpg1 tdvv1 20G

Create a TPVV with deduplication

Create a 20G dedup-enabled VV (TDVV) named tdvv1 whose user space is allocated from the SSD CPG cpg1, with an allocation warning of 80% and an allocation limit of 90% (no compression).
cli% createvv –tdvv –usr_aw 80 -usr_al 90 cpg1 tdvv1 20G
cli% createvv –dedup –usr_aw 80 -usr_al 90 cpg1 tdvv1 20G

Create a TPVV with compression

Create a compressed VV with the restrict export to one host attribute set using the CPG SSD_cpg1 with a size of 16TB and the name vv4 (no dedup).
cli% createvv –tdvv –usr_aw 80 -usr_al 90 cpg1 tdvv1 20G
cli% createvv –dedup –usr_aw 80 -usr_al 90 cpg1 tdvv1 20G

Create TPVV with deduplication and compression

Create a deduped/compressed (DECO) VV named vv6 using the CPG cpg1 with a size of 2TB.
cli% createvv –tdvv -compr cpg1 vv6 2T cli% createvv –dedup –compr cpg1 vv6 2T

The –compr option can only be used on a dedup-enabled volume (TDVV), not a thin or fully provisioned virtual volume.
To convert a TDVV to just a thin/compressed VV, the volumes would need to be converted from TDVV to thin first, then converted to thin/compressed using tunevv –compr. With the usr_cpg option, a new or current CPG can be used.
Tune the VV and convert the volume hp4 to a thinly deduped VV using an SSD CPG:
cli% tunevv usr_cpg SSD_r5de -tdvv hp4
cli% tunevv usr_cpg SSD_r5de -dedup hp4
Tune the VV and convert the TDVV hp4 to a compressed VV using an SSD CPG:
cli% tunevv usr_cpg SSD_r5de -compr hp4

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